Childhood Vaccines


Today more parents are questioning and refusing vaccinations for their children.1


Some of the reasons given are:

• They consider the vaccines more dangerous than the diseases.

• They prefer natural rather than artificial immunity.

• They have religious or philosophical objections to vaccination.

• They have a vaccine-injured child (a growing number).


“Much of what you have been led to believe about immunizations simply isn’t true…. I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child.” - Robert Mendelsohn, MD


47 Vaccines By 6 Months! The current US vaccine schedule requires 47 vaccines by 6 months of age; 67 by 18 months and at least 81 by 4-6 years! There is no proof that a child’s immature immune system can handle this chemical assault.


Are Vaccinated Children Healthier?


In one study children vaccinated with MMR or DRT+Polio were found to have 14 times more asthma and 9.4 times more eczema than non-vaccinated children.2 In another study 23.1% of vaccinated had asthma and 30% had allergies while none of the non-vaccinated children had asthma or allergies.3 Medical historian Harris Coulter, PhD states: Between 15 and 20% of American school children are considered learning disabled with minimal brain dysfunction directly caused by vaccine damage…. A large proportion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other…’developmental disabilities,’ owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases….4 In addition to the conditions, allergies, asthma, eczema, diabetes, ear infections, attention deficit disorder and learning disorders were rare before mass immunization. Acute infectious diseases strengthen your immune system. SIDS or Crib Death Vaccinations have long been linked to crib death, this observation was underlined when, in 1975, after the Japanese government raised vaccination age from two month to two years, crib death and infantile seizures virtually disappeared.5 Crib death was rare before childhood vaccination. Do


The Benefits Outweigh The Risks?


MDs rarely report adverse reactions or injuries. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) states that only one in ten vaccine injuries is ever re-ported; however other studies put that number as one 50.6 As of 2004 the US government had paid nearly 1.5 billion to the families of vaccine-damaged children as part of the vaccine compensation program. That number, however, represents only a fraction of those children hurt and killed. Apart from the risks, the effectiveness of vaccination to “prevent” illness is in question: outbreaks have occurred in 100% vaccinated populations.7 An outbreak of 137 cases of measles occurred when 98.7% of the students were appropriately vaccinated.8 How can we agree to a procedure if we do not know if the risks outweigh the “benefits?” Have Vaccines Eradicated Disease? Infectious diseases, e.g., smallpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, etc., began to disappear long before immunizations ever came on the scene.


As Ivan Illich, PhD observed: The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90% of the total decline in mortality be-tween 1860 and 1965 occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization.9 Polio As Robert Mendelsohn, MD stated: It is commonly believed that the Salk vaccine was responsible for halting the polio epidemics that plagued American children in the 1940s and 1950s. If so, why did the epidemics also end in Europe, where polio vaccine was not so extensively used?10 Statistics were “cooked” to “prove” that the mass inoculation campaign was working. Cases formerly reported as polio were now reported as meningitis. So while polio statistics dropped, statistics for viral or aseptic meningitis soared. Benefits of Childhood Diseases lost in most vaccination discussion is the fact that acute infectious diseases, when properly managed, are good for overall health. As Harris Coulter PhD states: Contracting and overcoming [childhood] disease is part of developmental process that actually helps develop a healthy, robust, adult immune system able to meet the challenges that inevitable encounters with viruses and bacteria will present later on.11 Viera Scheibner, PhD writes: Infectious diseases of childhood are very beneficial for children to catch…. The general inflammatory process is important in the dynamics of maturation of the immune response to diseases. 12 In one study it was found that those who had febrile infectious childhood diseases had less cancer in their lives.13


In Conclusion


We all want healthy and strong children. For that reason many parents are not vaccinating their children. The benefits of vaccination are being increasingly questioned while the damage done to children is becoming increasingly apparent. Parents must make the decision whether or not to vaccinate based on understanding, not fear tactics.

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